
Showing posts from February, 2020

Black fish part dos

Black fish part two Is talking part is talking about SeaWorlds perspective of the incidents at SeaWorld and  they had a trainer to talk about the actual film “blackfish” and they said that you can’t just watch a film and say “oh I’m not on SeaWorlds side because in the film it said they abused the animals there in a way” without doing your research first before judging. The guy was right about saying that. The time that people saw that video that trainer did, they were convinced that SeaWorld was innocent and was not guilty about anything.

Black fish part uno

    Black fish is talking about this Orca named Tilikum that killed three of his trainers. Tilikum was captured from the ocean at the age of 2. He was held captive for more than 10 years. Tilikum’s story went viral to the whole world. It came on the news and SeaWorld said they would pay 5 million dollars to all the families involved in the incidents. They said that they would stop breeding the animals at SeaWorld.