First quarter reflection

In the first quarter, it was already kinda hard depending on the classes. In social studies and science there was a lot of homework I think. I don’t really remember how much but all I remember is getting stressed about it for some reason. I think it was science that got me so stressed about homework. By the way when i was younger i used to absolutely HATE math. My elementary school teacher kept telling me that I’ll like math one day. Or even love it. And it actually happened! I think it was because of how my teacher teaches it to us, Mr. Bananzynski. The way he teaches it to us is entertaining, or in my opinion.  

    To be honest I got pretty good grades. The majority of my grades were 3’ s. I was happy and satisfied about it. My parents were happy too. And the thing is that it I got good grades by the end of the year or close to winter break, I would probably get the iPhone XR. I love that type of iPhone. What I like about it is the camera quality, simple colors, no home button, bigger screen, and so on. My favorite color iPhone is the white one. In my opinion I think that white would match with everything, and I like to put a lot of cases with a lot of different colors. If I had to choose my three favorites actually I would choose the yellow, black, and the white. But if I had to choose out those three i would choose the white, you know the reason already. Now its quarter 2 and I cant wait to see how my grades are at the end. I don’t expect myself to get bad grades because I’m pretty good at almost every subject so I’m expecting myself to get lots of 3’s or even lots of 4’s.
      I’m  also happy that i got P.E. With Ms. Morton the first quarter because first of all I love P.E. And since I got it first quarter I was excited and happy especially when we played soccer because my team won. It won the football team too. And second of all, I get P.E. Again the second quarter and I’m also happy because, as I said, I love P.E.
    My exploratory were STEAM and P.E. I wasn’t a big fan of STEAM because we had to do A LOT of measurements that we didn’t really need in my opinion. We drew measurements but at the end of the day we were just building blocks into a cube and making unique shapes for it. I was so excited for STEAM when she first introduced us in to her class (Ms. Cleofe). She showed us a lot of tools that we wouldn’t use in elementary school, for example a saw... but we never even used it?! What’s the point of showing the tools that we wont use?? Makes no sense! Well again, that’s just my opinion about that class. Other kids may say that it awesome and they love doing all those measurements that they do in STEAM. I think the only part about it that I love is at the beginning of the class when she does attendance. The way she does it its fun, she would ask a question to you and if you’re here you answer it. If you’re not then obviously you don’t answer it. Also probably my other favorite part was when we got to clap in a certain way. Like if we said to clap like fireworks then we could rub out hands together and the whole class claps their hands at different times, it really does remind you about fireworks when they do that! 
                 Now I have art now and I’m so happy I do because I love art! It’s so much fun and relaxing. There’s this thing where the teacher gives us “broccoli”, by It isn’t real broccoli it’s actually Starburst, a chewy, flavored candy. I don’t want to go into a lot of detail of my new exploratory, so I’m going to end it here. Alright, Bye guys🤪🤓📝👋🏻✌🏻🤡.


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